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US authorities have offered the concept of a network neutrality
The federal commission on communication of the USA (FCC) has acted with the concept of a network neutrality. Cвои offers were stated on September, 21st by the head of department Julius Genachowski. About it reports Bloomberg.

Julius Genachowski

The concept of the Internet of the XXI-st century

The concept of a network neutrality will forbid providers to regulate a priority of the traffic in favour of separate web sites or to discriminate certain types of a content. The communication statement should not limit or forbid an Internet telephony even if it competes to own services.

The telecommunication companies should adhere to transparency principles in relations with clients. As negative example Genachowski has cited as an example one cable provider who blocked the traffic peer-to-peer (p2p) without notice about it users. Only intervention FCC has put an end to this illegal practice. The commission, nevertheless, is not going to encourage distribution of the illegal content protected by the copyright — it is a question only of technologies.

Also it is supposed, that users can choose, what devices to use at work in networks of this or that communication statement. The telecommunication companies cannot block access of users to a lawful content, appendices and services.

New rules can make illegal exclusive transactions between communication statements and manufacturers of devices, lawyers believe. Telecommunication corporation AT&T, whose monopoly for sale iPhone in the USA has appeared under the threat, has already expressed the "extreme disappointment" the concept. Vice-president Google Vinton Cerf, on the contrary, has stated hot support to the bill: "We are very happy", — he has written in blog Google.

Barack Obama has supported Julius Genachowski

Similar measures were offered by officials FCC in 2005 in a kind of "four principles", but in 2006 George Bush-younger administration has prevented an adoption of law about a network neutrality. The present president Barack Obama was expressed in support of offer Genachowski. The president has declared, that the state role should consist in support of innovations and observance of rules which correspond to common sense.

For discussion of the offers which will begin in October, FCC has opened special site The probability of approval of the concept of a network neutrality is very high thanks to support of three of five members of board of the commission, including most Genachowski. New rules, probably, not will are immediately applied to the mobile Internet, special adviser Colin Crowell considers. On the statement of all statutory acts some months, and completely new rules can be demanded will come into force in 2010, the official believes.

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