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Where to buy real UGG® Australia?
History UGG® Australia has begun in 1978 when Brian Smith, young serfer from Australia, has gone to the USA with a bag full of a boot from a sheepskin. Deckers Outdoor Corporation has got mark UGG® Australia in 1995, but only in 1998 there was a radical positioning of boots UGG® Australia as to magnificent and expensive footwear. Besides classical boots, the company constantly develops new ultra-fashionable models of different colouring and with original patterns which cannot be bought cheaply neither in America, nor in Europe.

Boots ugg

UGG in Europe and the USA

First of all, it is necessary to notice, that «ugg» is a patrimonial concept for a designation of boots from a natural sheepskin which have appeared in Australia more 200 years ago.

In the world there is variety of marks of boots from a sheepskin, one of which — UGG® Australia, the leader in this market, after all boots of this mark prefer show business stars.

Ugg bootsRights of use of word UGG in Europe and the USA American company Deckers possesses. Yes, these boots — American, instead of Australian! The most part of ugg boots Australia is made in China, and some earlier models, such as Ultra, are made in Australia and New Zealand.

At the same time in Australia the word «ugg» is not registered as the trade mark, and any boots from a sheepskin there still can be called «uggs».

For example, in Australia ugg boots sale on which calcaneal label it is specified «UGG Made in Australia». It too boots from a natural sheepskin, only other mark and other manufacturer. They do not break any laws and do not try to simulate UGG® Australia.

Counterfeit Ugg Boots...

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