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How to create RSS channels for labels in Blogspot
RSS label

Recently developers Blogspot have suggested all users of system to state the wishes concerning innovations which would be quite good for adding.

Many responses where there were remarks of rather already existing things have come — that is people write a pier make to us such function, and such function already renders is available. The tape for each label in a blog is one of such features RSS. About it today I will tell.

As usually, in Blogger the given option is realised much more difficult, than could be.
I hope, further the command of developers will gather and will give this to labels RSS a good and simple kind.

So, to receive RSS one of labels it is necessary to enter such url:

In a part url with a blog name should substitute corresponding, and do not forget to add a symbol «-». Labelname — here the name of the necessary label.

For example, here RSS for one of my categories:

To this method there is a small remark. If your blog is located on own server for RSS labels other design is used:

In this case you should know the blog id. For this purpose come into the control panel and click the button for creation of new record. In an address line of a browser there will be something like: blogID=1234567980123456789

From here also copy value blog id.

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