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Content — the King of the Internet

King of the Internet

To begin with answer me such question — that Internet users and search robots search on the Internet? A right answer — a content!

The content is for the sake of what we leave in the Internet! Now answer other question — what for people fill the sites with not optimised drawing which because of the lacks perniciously affects visitors of a site?

Remember! People in overwhelming majority use the Internet for information search which is presented in the text form.

The relevant content should be on the first place in the course of search optimisation of a site (SEO) as the content makes huge impact on ranging in search delivery!

The most important lesson of search optimisation (SEO)

The Internet — a well of the various information. Search robots help users to find any content necessary for them, sending the spiders on searches of sites on which this content is presented. Then the search robot analyzes the sites collected by a spider and ranges them in decreasing order depending on that, how much precisely content of each of them corresponds to search inquiry of the user.

The most relevant content, and, hence, and a site, high positions will take in results of search delivery by corresponding search inquiries. All is simple! Undoubtedly, there are other methods of search optimisation (SEO) which also influence site ranging in search systems, but it is separate conversation.

You can have a site most optimised for search robots on the Internet but if on a site there will be no content such site cannot be to something relevant, accordingly, there will be no site in TOP10 search delivery.

As nonprofessional developers use in the work methods of "black" search optimisation (SEO), is artificial influencing on results of search delivery, developers of search systems should struggle and change regularly with it algorithms of work.

In the unique way to increase site ranging, putting into practice it is exclusive receptions of "white" search optimisation (SEO), creation of a site with a considerable quantity of a content unique and useful to users is.

For example, in 2001, any person who was engaged in search optimisation (SEO), would tell to you, that you should use without fail meta-tegi keywords and description (for entering into them of keywords and the description accordingly). And for that moment would be right.

For today meta-tegi keywords and description do not render actually any influence on ranging of sites. But at the same time it would be wrong to tell, that you should not use them in the work as some search systems still look on meta-tegi at ranging.

It is next time visually shows that fact, that the industry of search optimisation (SEO) undergoes constant updatings and changes, therefore you should be always informed about all last events to remain at top. Probably, that it is the most important lesson of search optimisation (SEO) from all.

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