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10 methods of increase of periodicity of visiting of your blog search robot Google

Unexpected returning

Stable regular visiting of your blog by search robot Google is a sign on that your site in somebody "honour" at Google.

To achieve regular visiting of a site by search robot Google means to make a blog really useful and valuable.

If you think, that it is very simple — you are mistaken. In this article I will list you working methods of realisation of the given scheme.
1. Update a content often and regularly. From the name, I think, all and without comments clearly. I will specify only periodicity of updating of a site — 3 times a week quite enough if there is no possibility to update daily.
2. Be convinced of correct work of a server. Regularly pay attention on availability of a server which shows, for example, Google Webmaster tools. Besides it I will recommend following 2 services: Pingdom and
3. Test speed of loading of pages of a site. If your pages or, for example, documents PDF are long loaded — the search robot will leave from your site and long time can not come back.
4. Be convinced that on a site there is no not unique, duplicated content on different URL. It speaks simply — the more pages with an identical content indexes the search robot, the remains to time for pages with a unique and useful content less.
5. Receive as much as possible entering links from popular sites.
6. Define speed of reindexation of a site by means of Google Webmaster tools.
7. Add a sitemap.
8. Be convinced, that your server gives correct headings.
9. Be convinced, that each page of a site has the unique heading and meta-tegi.
10. Pay attention on periodicity from which search robot Google comes on your site, analyze and compare.

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