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5 strategy of selection of keywords for your site

Monetary key

To pick up as much as possible corresponding keywords for a site, it is necessary to know one very important thing — as well as that the potential target audience of the given site searches on the Internet.

It is necessary for you to be extremely cautious in the course of selection of keywords not to be mistaken and to pick up those keywords which will never work on the given site.

Further I will share with you 10 strategy which will help you to pick up as much as possible corresponding keywords for any site:

1. Know the target audience, the potential clients.
We cannot tell, how many we met the companies which take keywords for served sites that is called, from a ceiling. These companies do not contact in any way to site target audience, accordingly, they simply cannot pick up corresponding keywords for a concrete site.

2. Begin with the basic keywords.
The basic keywords even if and very much the general, are capable to stimulate creative thinking.

3. Carry out marketing research.
Find and analyse sites of competitors, their post dispatches, electronic newspapers, magazines. It is very effective reception.

4. Do not repeat for competitors.
Some companies give more attention to keywords of competitors, than follows, the truth this strategy works till now.

In that case you for certain will find keywords which will seem to you ideal and which you want to use in the purposes on their sites. Nevertheless, sites of competitors very often contain absolutely improper keywords or phrases. With them be cautious! Do not use not thematic keywords even if they are used by your competitors.

If users search for kitchen ware they in a line of search will not write something another, for example "laundry". I hope, that you have understood sense of the above-stated example. Once again I repeat — be extremely attentive with keywords.

5. Add to the list of the basic keywords logically their supplementing.
If you sell metal you can use, for example, following keywords: "nonferrous metal" or «metal processing». The Keywords comprising the name of services, the companies, products, accessories etc. have really high return.

Many wish to be on the first lines in search delivery on one of the most popular keywords, like "toy", "sports" etc. Realization so a hard task will take away from you a large quantity of time and means (regular updating of a content, absolute uniqueness, and also presence of links from authoritative thematic resources is necessary).

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