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Amazon has cancelled sale of books of publishing house Macmillan


Publishing house Macmillan books are removed from sale in Internet shop Amazon, informs on Saturday, on January, 30th, Associated Press. On informal data, dispute between publishing house and Internet shop about the prices for electronic books for Kindle became the reason of such decision.

Financial disagreements

Representatives Amazon officially while in any way have not commented on the message on removal with sale of books Macmillan. General director Macmillan John Sargent, in turn, has declared, that Internet shop in the evening on Friday, on January, 29th, has notified publishing house that from sale all books of publishing house — both in usual will remove, and in an electronic format.

According to general director Macmillan, the decision on the termination of sale of books of publishing house was accepted next day after a meeting with an Internet shop management. At a meeting, has informed Sargent, the new price model for the electronic books, offered Macmillan was discussed. The new model would allow Amazon to receive more means from sale of electronic books of publishing house.

E-books — leaders of sales

Earlier Macmillan and other publishing houses showed discontent with price policy Amazon. In their opinion, the payment in $9,99 is too low. Offered Macmillan the new price model assumes, that the price of the electronic version will be from $12,99-14,99.

Internet shop Amazon in December, 2009 has informed, that has for the first time in history sold more books in an electronic format for Kindle, than paper versions. Then it was informed, that trade in electronic books brings Amazon losses, however Internet shop hopes at the expense of great volumes of sales to agree with publishers about decrease in a share of deductions at distribution of electronic versions of books.

VIA «Amazon has cancelled sale of books of publishing house Macmillan»