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iPad used for infection of computers


Swindlers and hackers use popularity of device recently presented by company Apple iPad for infection of personal computers with various viruses. On it on January, 29th informs AFP.


According to experts of company Trend Micro, users of personal computers, the interested the information on new device Apple in a network, risk to infect the computers with viruses. In particular, a number of the users leaving on devoted iPad sites from search systems, the computers infected with the programs demanding payment for their treatment for nonexistent viruses.

By working out of similar viruses swindlers used a search engine on keywords. According to experts, in the near future activity of the hackers, wishing to make profit of new working out, will increase only.

The new device of company Apple representing the tablet computer, has been presented by Steve Jobs on January, 27th on presentation to San Francisco. iPad it will be equipped by the touch screen a diagonal in 9,7 inches, processor A4 with clock frequency in 1 Ghz; the flesh-memory capacity will make from 16-64 Gb. Outwardly working out which Jobs named one of the main projects of his life, reminds increased and little bit improved version iPhone, with the help iPad it is possible to listen to music, to look through photos, to read books, and also to be connected to the Internet.

iWork & iBookstore for iPad

Besides, it is expected, that specially for iPad will develop a special package of office applications iWork and the book online shop iBookstore is started. It is supposed, that the first world deliveries of a tablet will begin in 60 days from the moment of demonstration.

Related Posts: Apple

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