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Employees Microsoft have blabbed out about Windows 8

Windows 8

Two employees Microsoft have shared with journalists the impressions of operational system Windows 8 being in working out, writes Microsoft Kitchen. They have not opened technical details and have not informed on new functions.

Mind-blowing Windows 8

The director of consumer and on-line directions in region EMEA John Mangelaars became one of employees. In interview to the British edition CIO he has declared, that though Apple takes of a strong position in the market, Microsoft Windows 7 became a blockbuster. According to Mangelaars, Windows 8 will be "mind-blowing".

The name of other employee is not known. Employee Microsoft has published in official blog MSDN record under the name "Whats in store for the next Windows?", which have quickly removed. Besides it the anonymous author specifies, that prefers to name the new version of OS not Windows 8, but

Surrealistic operational system

Over the project tens commands work, and process of discussion new Windows the author of record names "surrealistic"., according to employee Microsoft, will reverse the relation to personal computers and ways of their use.

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