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Progressive Satellite WildBlue Internet

Viasat logo

Company Viasat, the provider of satellite and other kinds of wireless communications has agreed to buy WildBlue Communications for $8 million cash and bonds as Liberty Media Corp, the owner of 37% of share WildBlue wireless Internet, will reorganise a package of the bonds.

Wildblue logoCompany WildBlue basically is engaged in carrying out of the high-speed Internet in the remote areas USA. According to analysts, sale of bonds WildBlue will help Liberty Media to buy completely DirecTV Group — the largest provider of satellite TV in the USA. At present Liberty Media 52% own bonds of the provider.

Chronicle of events...

Companion WildBlue-1 will provide to Americans cheap satellite Internet. 2004

Company Space Systems/Loral has finished designing of companion WildBlue-1 intended for work in commercial service of Internet satellite. This companion will be equipped only by Ka-range transmitters. Besides, on the companion will mark the system, providing translation at once 41 signals on different territories.

Wireless InternetThe customer of this companion is company WildBlue Communications which, as she said, has received investments at a rate of $156 million on the organisation in territory of the USA in 2004 of commercial service of bilateral broadband satellite Internet-access with use of small aerials-plates. As it is supposed, the small companies and private persons will use services of this service. The prices should be corresponding.

To launch into companion WildBlue-1 an orbit it is planned in 2004 onboard rocket Ariane 5. The Estimated time of a life of this companion — 12 years.

Start WildBlue-1 is appointed to the end of year. 2006

On March, 1st, 2006 in press release WildBlue Internet Communications it is declared, that companion WildBlue-1 start is appointed to the fourth quarter 2006. Companion WildBlue-1 is intended for support of satellite high-speed access to information networks in territory of the North America.

Start will be made by carrier rocket Ariane 5 from the cosmodrome the Hen (the French Guiana), the starting provider — Arianespace. The developer and the supplier of a space vehicle — Space Systems/Loral (a platform 1300).


Companion WildBlue-1 is intended for support of satellite high-speed access to information networks in territory of the North America. The companion working in the Ka-range, will form some high-power narrow beams is for today the standard concept of similar systems. Before companion WildBlue Communications start uses capacities of the Ka-range of companion Anic F2 which operator is Telesat Canada.

WildBlue offers users of speed of access to 1,5 Mbit/sec on a line "companion-user" and to 256 Kbit/sec on a line "user-companion". In total company assumes to start grouping from three space vehicles.

VIA «Progressive Satellite WildBlue Internet»