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Microsoft wishes to sell the advertising agency to 5 large companies
Agency Razorfish

Corporation Microsoft carries on negotiations for sale of agency Razorfish with five large players of the advertising market, writes The Wall Street Journal.

The buyer can use advertising technologies Microsoft and, probably, will receive on-line advertising stock on hundred millions dollars.

For sale Razorfish Microsoft has employed Morgan Stanley. Such agencies as WPP, Omnicom Group and Publicis Groupe have already become interested in active Microsoft. They discuss the expanded format of commercial cooperation with Microsoft. Except the specified three companies, Microsoft, according to edition sources, carries on negotiations with Interpublic Group and Dentsu.

The Wall Street Journal notices, that negotiations have preliminary character. The transaction will be hardly concluded the next months. Moreover, newspaper sources inform, that Microsoft has not solved definitively a question on active sale.

Razorfish — one of the largest digital marketing agencies in the market. Microsoft has got agency within the limits of the six-milliard transaction on purchase aQuantive. Razorfish, it is known for that has developed an emblem for Bing. In 2008 gain Razorfish has made 400 million dollars.

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