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Important recommendations for bloggers

Armchair blogger

1. Offer a subscription variant on E-mail.

Basically bloggers love RSS-subscriptions and forget about not advanced users, got used to subscribe by means of E-mail. If you do not wish to lose readers it is obligatory near to the subscription button on RSS place the subscription form on E-mail.

Users will choose a way which is more convenient. By the way, FeedBurner offers possibility of a free subscription on E-mail, the sin not to take advantage!

2. Give blog page under the description of technology RSS.
As the most part of your users, possibly, has no representation about technology RSS, it would be simply magnificent, if you have explained to them, that RSS from yourself represents, what pluses possesses etc.

3. Specify in possibility of commenting of publications of your blog.
The users not familiar with blogs, hardly guess that you have a commenting possibility. Therefore obviously call them for commenting, display number of comments to publications etc. In general, draw attention of users to commenting.

4. Explain to the users, that such a blog and difference of a blog from usual sites.
Many users do not know, that such a blog at all or simply do not know differences between a site and a blog. Explain them, that a blog — regularly updated site with possibility of a subscription to new publications and possibility of their commenting.

5. Create page «About itself».
On this page tell about itself, and also about the blog. By the way, it is excellent a place where it is possible to place the information from point 4.

6. Avoid a professional slang.

Bloggers like to use quite often slangy phrases, not clear to the people who are not concerning web technologies. Talk to the users in clear all language, avoiding a professional slang.

7. Carefully select widgets for the blog.
There is a large quantity widgets which hardly will be useful to you. At a choice widgets be guided by abilities and requirements of the users.

8. Allocate navigation on a blog.
Many bloggers think, that all and without that it is clear how to move on their blogs, but they are mistaken. For users the type of navigation realised on tags can be not clear.

9. Know places of a congestion of your target audience.
Many bloggers use standard ways of attraction of an audience on the resources: commenting of other blogs, social networks, citing of thematic blogs, posting at forums.

If you work in sphere where users are far from blogs and other web knowledge these methods, quite possibly, can not work. In this case you should think over where your target audience gathers and to find a way to entice on the blog.

10. Involve target audience on thematic social resources for the purpose of the advancement.
The scheme very simple — from you is required to involve target audience not on the resource, and on social thematic sites where they can read only the best publications on their interesting theme and to vote for the liked.

Related Posts: Blogger

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