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10 excellent ways of a productive investment of money


So, you have a blog, and as money which you are ready to invest in development. Probably 2 variants of similar succession of events: or you have come to a blog sphere with the ready budget, or you have earned the given financial assets on the blog, and you, in turn, have decided them to invest.

I offer you 10 excellent ways of a productive investment of money in development of your blog:

1. Order in professionals blog redesign.
Remember, you have only 1 chance to make impression on the visitor — only at initial visit.
Besides it appearance helps with a blog monetization, formation and strengthening in consciousness of target audience of your brand etc.

And in general, the unique and professionally executed appearance of a blog will play to you time and again kind service.

2. Get over on the allocated server (dedicated server).
The given measure is simply necessary in case of wide popularity of your blog. The Hosting-provider will not sustain the big loadings on a server, created by huge streams of traffic on your blog, therefore reflect in advance on moving on the allocated server.

3. Will put up money in advertising.
Let's admit, that your site already is the owner of professionally executed and unique appearance and is ready to take up «mullions-strong traffic» from the Internet.
For improvement of results, it would be quite good to you to be engaged in advertising purchase, placing of the banners on corresponding platforms. Besides it you can receive quite good enough positions in results of search delivery of search systems, buying text references.

4. Buy the review for a blog.
The given action has something the general with advertising, but carries recommendatory, instead of advertising character thanks to what brings the considerable response, at the correct approach, certainly.

5. Order in the programmer working out of any free, unique and potentially demanded plug-in.
Certainly, here it is meant, that you are not the programmer and that you have an idea into the plug-in account. The release of a demanded product FREE OF CHARGE, in our case of a plug-in, will create a huge agiotage round your project that will by all means affect reference popularity of a blog, and also on positions in search systems, attendance etc.

6. Order in the web master creation of a free theme for Wordpress.

The given action inherently repeats the previous point, therefore I will not stop in detail on it.

7. Will put up money in creation of a unique product.
For example, prepare release of the electronic book in format PDF. Usually creation of a similar product is free but if you suddenly want to make something over allocated and demanding some expenses why and is not present? After all in the future to you it with interest will return!

8. Will invite co-authors.
If your blog is popular enough in the circles search of co-authors is possible. Besides, having found several co-authors, at you time for development of other projects will be liberated.

9. Add something brand new in functionality of the blog.
Let it will be either a highly specialised social network or a profile forum.

10. Test in practice earlier not tested ways of a monetization of a blog, and then publish results with the comments on a blog.
People adore to read about new ways of a monetization, like to see real figures, like to read another's histories of success…
So take advantage of it! Your readers will is unreal are grateful to you for granting of a such content, for what will generously thank you return links!

Let's sum up.
Above I have listed to you 10, in my opinion, irresistible and conclusive ways of a productive investment of money in blog development.

At you is what to add? And, can, you with something do not agree? So share it in comments!

Related Posts: Blogger

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