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Search based keyword tool
GoogleA great new tool for any SEO to add to their arsenal is the Search Based Keyword Tool (SbKT) from Google. To get some really good ideas on how you can utilize this tool, I recommend you read Google’s Search Based Keyword Tool: Monetize The Long Tail of Search by Avinash Kaushik before you go any further in this article.

That article is what inspired this post which is a follow-up to it or my thoughts on the tool as an SEO as opposed to a Pay-Pay-Click (PPC) manager. So let’s begin.

For SEO, the SbKT can be a very useful addition to an SEO’s current tool set, but since the tool was created with PPC in mind, it would be even more useful when setting up a PPC campaign. One thing I’ve noticed after using SbKT several times is that it doesn’t always match up relevant words to the pages you’re targeting. You should be careful on taking Google’s advice on what is most important for your site.

If you’ve done any keyword research for your site, you more than likely know what keyphrases are better to target for each page and you probably don’t need Google to tell you what keywords should go where. For the most part, that should be obvious, but matching up keywords to pages could be very helpful for your more general terms.

One huge benefit of SbKT matching up keywords to pages on your site is that it can give you an idea of what Google thinks each specific page is about. If they’re matching up the wrong, or even completely unrelated keywords to a page of your site, it’s likely the content is not as focused as it should be and the page could use some optimization tweaks.

The way the SbKT works is by using data Google has stored. They store the data of search queries people use when searching and data from pages they have indexed.Since SbKT matches up keywords to cached pages of your site, you won’t find out if Google has changed their mind on what they think your pages are about until they cache your newly optimized pages.

Check SbKT after the pages have be re-cached and you’ll find out if you’re on the right track.The Search Based Keyword Tool is not as useful for keyword research. At least not for initial keyword research. You can find many more useful and relevant keywords to target on your site by using the Google Keyword Tool and Keyword Discovery.

After more thorough keyword research has been completed, SbKT can be very helpful. More than likely you’ve come across some long tail keywords in your original keyword research, but this tool will show you any you’ve missed and what pages you should focus them on.

If pages of your site are already perfect matches for these long tail keywords, there isn’t much more work needed to start pushing them up in the search results. Put some more work into those pages, build some links and long tail traffic should start to trickle in.

If you have a blog, SbkT can also be used to create a list of long-tail terms that you can target with blog posts. If you don’t have any pages on your website that you’d like to focus some of these keywords, your blog is the perfect place.Since you’ll be writing a post with your long-tail keyword in mind, the content should be highly targeted, relevent and ready to rank.

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