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Slavery or freedom? Pros and cons

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SEO is same area of marketing relations, as well as any another. She also allows you to be engaged directly SEO, to earn thus money.

So in what image, you can earn by means of knowledge in the field of SEO. Before you five ways:
1. SEO in your company.
2. Agency SEO.
3. Independent adviser SEO.
4. SEO-formation.
5. Advancement of your own projects.
All these models — excellent receptions of earnings by means of SEO, and at everyone it is possible to reveal pluses and minuses.

1. SEO in your company

Arguments pro
You are engaged in advancement of sites in own company. The weight of advantages here consists that all departments on which your work — technical financial department can depend are initially enough closely connected, besides, you thoroughly know from within that company on which work. To you trust, your income is stable, and risks are minimum. Besides, requirements in the form of reports, schedules, deadlines in such situation are is more often excluded: from you simply demand excellent functionality and stable work and attendance of a site.

Arguments contra
Undoubtedly, is and some minuses about which you should know: first, you are engaged only in one or several thematic projects, working on one company. It threatens that it can bother you simply.
Besides, in repartitions of the company at you as at expert SEO, not so it is a lot of ways for development. You and remain expert SEO, and it will be difficult enough to you to pick up other post. And than you will be engaged, when the site becomes popular enough?

2. Agency SEO

Arguments pro
Work is favourable to agency SEO, because you are surrounded by similarly conceiving people who are infected by the same ideas. You have a possibility to develop and study. The agency gives the chance to you to test in various branches, to aspire to perfection in the conditions of a competition.

Arguments contra
To agency to survive in the conditions of the market, to have to be constantly in search of new clients so, to offer privileges (probably, in the form of lower fee of experts). Besides, agencies, as a rule, expose rigid terms for project performance — after all the project needs to have time to be checked in agency before to show to the client.

3. Independent adviser SEO

Arguments pro
In this case you — to itself the boss. You to anybody do not report, build the schedule of works and performance term. You completely carry out the control, you are free in the actions. You do not need to report to anybody, you receive profit directly in the hands.

Arguments contra
You are deprived support and resources of command work. You accept the decision, but also the risk of failures several times is more.
To all other, to "Singles", ability to sell the work (it is desirable more expensively) is necessary.

4. SEО skill

Arguments pro
The main benefit — you should not work directly with projects. You only give materials and knowledge, and clients apply them to the resources. The potential of such form of earnings is huge, and investments it is not required practically any.

Arguments contra
Certainly, the competition is extremely high: many web masters have already become skilled in methods and receptions SEO, and much is what to tell to beginners. Annually leaves and is on sale hundreds and hundreds books, grants, instructions. You should offer something essentially new.

5. Advancement of your own projects

Arguments pro
Business online allows you to work directly on itself, to be engaged in that really is pleasant to you. You should not be arranged under opinion of the client, you have more open space for experiments. You are not constrained by terms, you realise the potential, and you dispose of your incomes. Your motivation much more above.

Arguments contra
Certainly, own business is always higher risks. The income can be astable enough, especially during first time, but you not with the right to throw all — it is necessary to be persistent. Besides, all duties will lay down on your shoulders — not only SEO, but also goods advancement, and business operations.

Art by Celso Junior

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