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Lessons of marketing from Google
GoogleCompany Google — the recognised technical genius and the Internet figure. We daily use fruits of developers of this company, and today we will try to adopt one more achievement Google — principles of successful Internet marketing.

Recoupment of investments

This relation of average increase in profit to volume of investments, method of an estimation of investment projects when as the major criterion of an acceptability duration of the period during which initial expenses pay off acts. For Google this aspect is always important.

For example, for conference Barcamp Hyderbad, Google allow us to use the office, also as well as for other events of the world of a network.
The recoupment of investments here is available — action has been appointed to Saturday when the general activity of users of a network is insignificant. In the same case of 300 best hackers have wished to participate, see conference from the Indian campus and to discuss their interesting themes.
Besides, the salary which the Indian branch of the company is ready to pay to the expert, makes 50000. Even if only ten persons will respond to the vacancy offer, benefit Google is obvious.

Powerful word in perspective directions

If you are a leader in any perspective or unique direction, you are successful. Google such progressive method of calculation of "importance" of page as PageRank — a method of the account of authoritativeness of a site is actively beaten out in leaders among search systems as uses, for example. It is the new concept of definition of relevance of sites, and Google quickly moves ahead in it successful a direction of improvement of search characteristics.

Advancement of own products

Google is proud of all products developed by the company, and actively them advances. Each innovation is described many times and constantly on a kind at consumers.

Google urgently recommends each new working out. For example, delivery in results of search of video of results with Youtube, search of inquiry in the field of a resource of Group Google and Google-video. Or for example, active advancement of service Google Booksearch by a page insert in TOP on the majority of inquiries. Someone considers, that it is too actively imposed. But how differently you tell to overwhelming majority of people about the invention?

If you cannot be the first in a certain category — has come to master time the own.
It is the law well-known to the majority of experts in marketing, the given true not many however use...
Google could not overcome popularity Microsoft in desktop sets of office, and has given way, having left itself a perfection way on a search field. Though the same Microsoft and Yahoo still try to win and this market, using algorithms Google instead of improving the services.

To avoid difficulties by means of use qualitative and during that time of a legal product.
As though you named the software which observes of each your step?
If it not service Google — the espionage software, if Google — the panel of tools.
It is so-called “confidential marketing” or “marketing of the mutual consent” — when the company purpose in achieving from the client of the maximum degree of loyalty and trust without importunate advertising — “Make the passer-by the friend, and the friend — the buyer”.

Photo: muammerokumus

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