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Sony announced first videoplayer Blu-ray 3D

Sony BDP S470

Corporation Sony announced new player Blu-ray BDP-S470, with possibility of reproduction of video of high clearness in a format 3D. This first device such.

Accessible 3D

BDP-S470 Also it will be equipped by module Wi-Fi that will allow to show video online. Also the player can reproduce multimedia files with connected on USB devices. Cost of a player which will go on sale in February, will make about 200 dollars.

Besides, till the end of a year the Japanese company will update existing players that will allow them to reproduce also films in a format 3D. Also support 3D will appear in February at existing players BDP-S370 and BDP-S570.

PlayStation 3D

Specification Sony Blu-ray 3D extends not only on usual players. Three-dimensional video can reproduce as drives Blu-ray in game consoles PlayStation 3, and built in TVs.

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