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OS Symbian became free and opened


On February, 4th developers of mobile operational system Symbian entirely will open initial codes and will make OS free, writes Wired. The publication of initial codes was carried out for four months earlier, than it was planned initially.

Symbian Foundation plans...

Together with codes developers will publish plans on development Symbian for the period till 2011. Foreign developers can affect these plans or add new functions.

The noncommercial fund Symbian Foundation uniting more of 50 companies, OS Symbian working over development as open platform, has been created at the initiative of Finnish corporation Nokia by summer of 2008.

Symbian Limited for Nokia Co.

In December of the same year Nokia became the owner of developers of OS, Symbian Limited. In some days representatives of the Finnish company have promised to open initial codes Symbian within two years. It has occurred after Google has published source codes of mobile operational system Android.

Now Symbian it is used on 330 million mobile devices, mainly in phones Nokia.

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