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In YouTube there was a safe mode

Video hosting YouTube

The largest video hosting YouTube has presented on February, 10th the new option, allowing to be protected from a doubtful content. New function "Safety Mode" will protect users from viewing of offensive video and comments, is informed in official blog YouTube.

Safety Mode for YouTube

To include adjustment Safety Mode, it is necessary for visitor to press a corresponding badge which settles down in the bottom of any page of a site. Adjustment Safety Mode can be kept, for what the registered user YouTube should enter into service under the login, make a choice and finish a session.

Tool Safety Mode on a plan of developers will filter vedeo by the search inquiries containing unseemly words, for example "naked" or "violence". Also all comments in Safety Mode will be hidden by default. The user can read them, having pressed a corresponding arrow, but "doubtful" words will be in that case replaced by "asterisks".

Community Guidelines for YouTube

Options Safety Mode will extend also on rollers in headings Related videos, Featured videos, Most viewed and Videos being watched now. Users also cannot look videos sent by friends if such video are filtered Safety Mode. If users YouTube want to look these video, they can switch off option Safety Mode.

The new filter of a content will add already existing community guidelines, forbidding placing of rollers with elements of the pornography, showing violence over people or animals, the use of drugs, and also piracy video.

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