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Google will accelerate the American Internet in 100 times

Fibre-optical project

Corporation Google intends in an experimental order to provide parts of Americans access to the Network for the speed in one GB a second. It approximately a hundred times more than average speed of access to the USA.

The fibre-optical Internet

During experiment from 50,000 to 500,000 inhabitants of the United States can enter into the Internet through the allocated fibre-optical line. Representatives of corporation assert, that Internet access will be given for competitive prices.

By means of the users connected to high-speed Internet channels employees Google expect to test web appendices of following generation. Besides, they intend to test new ways of a lining of fibre-optical cables. Thus Google only will lay channels. Users can choose the provider independently from the several companies.

Lucky beggars will be defined in March

Now Google has begun gathering of demands from the settlements interested in a lining to them of fibre-optical lines. Demands can send the American municipalities till March, 26th. Till the end of a year the corporation intends to inform areas where experiment will take place.

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