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LG has refused from Windows Mobile in favour of Android

LG Eve

On January, 13th LG Electronics has informed on the mobile strategy in 2010. On it informs Electronista. The company plans to make about twenty new models of smart phones, however there is more than half from them will work under control of operational system Google Android. The remained models will be supplied Windows Mobile or Linux.

Serious blow on Microsoft

Refusal LG of use Windows Mobile is a serious blow on Microsoft, writes the edition. In 2008 of the company have concluded the union for joint working out of mobile phones. In 2009 the majority of smart phones LG has been adapted under operational system Windows Mobile. Only one phone LG Eve used platform Google.

In the company in any way have not commented on the passed decision.

In due time head Microsoft Steve Ballmer has underestimated mobile platform Google Android... In November, 2008 he considered what to speak about Android, as about the serious player for the present early. For that moment Android covered an insignificant share in the market of mobile platforms. In 2008 head Microsoft saw platforms Symbian in quality of basic competitors Windows Mobile, BlackBerry and Linux Mobile.

GW990 by Intel Moorestown

In the beginning of year LG expects to concentrate on release of smart phones of initial level, however by the autumn-winter promises it will be switched to more serious devices, such as, for example, GW990 on a platform of new generation Intel Moorestown. In the company hope to sell in 2010 more than 10 million new phones.

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