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Apple does not lag behind competitors

Macbook Air

Apple has grasped 7% of the American market. On it informs Appleinsider. Sales in territory of the USA of computers Mac have grown for 31% and have come nearer to one and a half millions pieces. On a sales volume for the fourth quarter 2009 the company has taken the fifth place among manufacturers of the computer equipment.

HP — the leader

The first place has got HP, 20,7% which have grasped in the fourth quarter 2009 of the market. Further were built in decreasing order: Acer, Dell, Lenovo and Toshiba.

Besides computers Mac company Apple also has increased volume of monthly manufacture of laptops MacBook to one million units a month. In 2009 the company has sold 7 million these models. By December, 2009 Apple has increased volume of their monthly manufacture to one million units though in 2008 this number made only 300-400,000 laptops. In January, 2010 the contractor of company Quanta Computer expects to make to 3,7 million laptops Apple.

Taking into account recent presentation company Intel of a new ruler of processors Core i3, i5 and i7 processors, writes the edition, possibility of has considerably increased that on January, 27th Apple announces new model MacBook. We will remind, what exactly is appointed to this time the big action of the company. There some new products Apple, predictably, can be presented, including the corporation does not confirm an Internet tablet, which existence, but also does not deny.

MacBook Pro — the most sold laptop

As a whole 2009 has appeared for the company rather successful. In October the model of initial level MacBook Pro in cost of 1,199 dollars has been recognised in the USA by the most sold laptop.

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