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Australians — the most active on the Internet


American marketing company Nielsen has counted up, that users of the Internet spend more than five and a half hours per day for various network social services. The greatest popularity social network Facebook and service of microblogs Twitter thus uses.

Internet leaders

As informs Nielsen, in December, 2008 for social services it was spent on the average hardly more than three hours per day whereas by December 2009 this indicator has reached 5 hours of 35 minutes. Growth, thus, has made 82% in the Year. Data concern users of the Internet from the USA, the Great Britain, Switzerland, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Australia, Japan and Brazil. Australians have appeared leaders on dependence on the Internet: they "stay" in social networks on the average almost seven hours per day.

The most popular social community

Thus the most popular social service, according to Nielsen, remains Facebook, and the most fast-growing on popularity — Twitter.

Related Posts: Facebook

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