Love, Sex, Money [Italy]
Visitor count of Montecristo set to rise as Italy cashes in on island
Exploring the Venetian lagoon
'Made in Roma' at the Trajan's Markets site in Rome
Visitors to get new look at part of Colosseum
'Venice, the Jews and Europe 1516-2016' at the Palazzo Ducale, Venice
'Mindful Hands: Masterpieces of Illumination from the Fondazione Giorgio Cini' in Venice
Sicily cancels a major exhibition of ancient treasures at the Cleveland Museum of Art
An exhibit of stolen masterpieces recovered by the Italian Carabinieri opens in Rome
Herculaneum closed to tourists, staff shortage blamed
Ashes to ashes: neglect takes its toll on Pompeii's Roman ruins
Ancient Tuscan villa on Gianuttri island reopens to public