It is enough important point in management of the company as a whole as not in the last instance result of effective logistical management is formation of the competitive advantages allowing the company to conduct competitive struggle against other participants of the target market, and also maintenance of the general corporate strategy with optimum expenses of resources and observance of strategic stability in the market.
Thus, on the first place leave:
* Processing of the order and service of consumers. This stage allows to avoid omission of potential profit because of impossibility qualitatively to process the order.In light above the designated competitive purposes on decrease in expenses for marketing and servicing improvement of quality, the logistical strategy directed on minimisation of investments into logistics as a whole and a logistical infrastructure in particular (working out of transport, warehouse, purchasing logistics) was extended.
* Storekeeping, choice of places of placing industrial and warehouse (optimisation of expenses for production storage).
* Find suppliers with the most favourable procurement prices.
Choosing such strategy, the companies place target emphasis on following aspects:
* Decrease in expenses for logistics (that as it has already been told, can essentially reduce the final price of the goods).Thus, for working out and introduction of effective logistical strategy it is necessary to be guided first of all by the general corporate purposes and general corporate strategy of the company as they should connect together all processes proceeding in the organisation. Only in this case the logistics can become the effective tool of management of the company as a whole.
* Increase in productivity of a logistical infrastructure (that also can lead to considerable economy of resources of the company).
* Service improvement of quality (for example, optimisation of process of delivery of production to the consumer — the important factor of improvement of quality of service).
* Balance maintenance «expenses/quality» and «expenses/service».
* Free B2B membership for all business structures.
F1 Logistics. Singapore -> Japan
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