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FTC was engaged in transaction Google and AdMob


The federal Trading Commission of the USA (FTC) has decided to penetrate more in detail into conditions and consequences of purchase of the operator of mobile advertising AdMob corporation Google for 750 million dollars. About it it is spoken in blog Google devoted to relations with state bodies.

FTC it is guarded by result of the transaction

Employees FTC have requested at Google the additional information under the transaction. As a result purchase end is postponed for uncertain term.

In Google assert, that any difficulties with absorption registration it is not expected, as in the market of mobile advertising more ten players works, and the competition in branch is great enough. Employees of corporation assume, that more attentive, than usually, transaction consideration is connected with successes Google — in particular, in the market of contextual advertising.

AdMob it should be happy...

Google has informed on purchase AdMob on November, 9th, 2009. Purchase payment will be made by bonds Google. By corporation calculations, registration of the transaction taking into account reception of permissions from financial bodies, should be carried out in a current of several months. After the announcement of absorption of analytics noticed, that Google has paid for AdMob some annual turnovers of last.

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