The Martin-Gropius-Bau Museum in Berlin will host from August 7 through January 13, 2013 an exhibition entitled “Olympia: Mythos, Culture and Games.”
Over 1,000 exhibits will be presented at the Museum coming from the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, the Archaeological Museum of Olympia, the Monetary Museum of Athens, the Antiquities collection belonging to state museums of Berlin, the Vatican Museum, the Archaeological Museum of Rome, the Louvre Museum and the archaeological collections of Dresden and Munich.
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With so many institutions contributing to this exhibition, hundreds or even thousands of visitors are expected to attend. The exhibition will be held under the auspices of Greek President Karolos Papoulias and his German counterpart Joachim Gauck.
This Berlin-based exhibition is one of the biggest ever organized, focusing exclusively on ancient Olympia, its history and culture.
Author: Marianna Tsatsou | Source: The Greek Reporter [July 13, 2012]
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