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China has toughened rules of registration of domains

Chinese internet cafe

The Chinese authorities have toughened rules of registration of domain names. About it writes Reuters referring to the representative of the Ministry of industrial and information technologies of China. As he said, it has been made with a view of struggle against distribution of a pornography and an illegal content.

China updates "the black list"

Also the authorities will update "the black list" former owners of the forbidden resources to prevent repeated registration of the sites by them.

While it is not clear, whether new rules will be applied only to the Chinese resources or restrictions will concern also the sites located outside of China, writes the edition. However, many of foreign resources, such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter in China are blocked for a long time already.

To private persons have forbidden registration of domains

Since December, 14th in China registration by private persons of domain names has been forbidden. All wishing to register in a a domain name have obliged to receive the permission in the Chinese information Internet centre, having given the licence for commercial activity.

Besides, in December of the power have founded for Internet users the award in 10 thousand yuans (1465 US dollars) for a denunciation of a resource extending a pornography.

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