Platform Hughes Net in a network of the Operator has following key features:
· Broadband communication on a basis the Internet of reports (IP);System hughes internet service provides the advanced diverse features developed for effective support of appendices of clients of system.
· Access of the Turbo the Internet/Intranet;
· Delivery of packages of the information;
· Decoding of video of the information;
· The Telephony;
· Support of consecutive reports.
The most important features of system HughesNet are:
· The Built in system of safety of a network;
· Scalability;
· The Effective utilisation of a strip of return channels;
· High-speed direct channel DVB of a format;
· Accelerator RER for report TCP;
· Management of degrees of service;
· The Built in functions of a router;
· The Wide nomenclature of broadband terminals;
· The Increased set of services.

Also in platform Hughes Net special function Bandwith Broker of recognition of the telephone traffic and allocation of a necessary strip in the satellite channel for the period of telephone conversation thanks to what in network WildBlue the Client does not need to reserve specially in the channel the guaranteed strip (CIR) in the width 16 and more kbit/sec is realised and allows to reduce monthly expenses of the Client considerably.
The platform of satellite access Hughes Net consists of three basic components:
· The Central station: the processing centre of a network which provides connectivity between peripheral terminals HughesNet and the centre of data of the customer.
· Peripheral terminal HughesNet: the broadband peripheral block which co-operates with NOC on reception and an information transfer. The terminal usually consists of the aerial of the small size with the transceiver connected to the small room module, connected in turn to computers of users and the local standard power supply. Feature of a network of a satellite communication is use of peripheral terminals of new series Hughes HN7740, Hughes HN7700, Hughes HN7000, Hughes HN6000 and Hughes HN1040.
· WildBlue Internet: the system of the network control and management has the graphic user interface and provides the full control and management of a network from the central point.