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15 tools of popularity
In the course of site creation, it is useful for web designer or developer «to survey district» about a finding of similar sites (competitors) to help you to make certain decisions in design and working out questions. Knowing, what sites play the main violin and which accompany, you can understand what elements of design, characteristics of a site and a content are most effective.

More low you will find the small list of excellent, free and simple web tools which will help with site optimisation.

1. Yahoo! Site Explorer
Site Explorer allows to check certain aspects URL. Function “Inlinks” allows to receive the information on pages which refer on concrete URL which you interests. Site Explorer gives you some representation about popularity of a site. This representation depends on number of pages referring to a site.

2. Compete
Compete is a tool for the analysis which allows to compare statistics of the traffic and tendencies simultaneously to three sites. This statistics gives you an estimation, how much on a site of unique visitors and displays of pages, and popularity of a site (growth rate) how much quickly grows.

3. Quantcast
Quantcast is one more popular tool for traffic measurement on a site. Quantcast allows publishers to "measure" the sites — process of placing of a script in a code of your pages that there was a possibility to receive statistics on the traffic directly. At the same time it is necessary to note - exact/full data can to give sites which "are measured", and the majority of people does not welcome use of foreign scripts on the sites.

4. Alexa
Service Alexa starting to 1996 is today the most popular for traffic ranging. It traces statistics of the traffic of sites and provides a numerical rating on the basis of the collected data. Data represent two parametre viewings of pages and reach (% of Internet users which have visited a site).

5. Feed Compare
One of effective ways for definition of popularity of a site is tracing of subscribers to the RSS-channel. If on a site it is used FeedBurner — the leading service provider on management RsS-fidami — you can use Feed Compare for tracing of tendencies of change of number of subscribers to tapes of sites and comparison of growth/decrease of this number for 4 channels simultaneously.
Feed Compare

6. Is the tool which can help to define, it is how much popular URL. Statistical data of such services, as Alexa, Technorati, bookmarks Delicious, and also number of subscribers and other parametres are used. It is the one-page tool which gives you the short review of popularity of a site. Service gives the chance to place the counter on your site for popularity display.

7. Socialmeter
socialmeter represents the tool which defines popularity of a site through large social sites, such, as Digg, Stumbleupon and Delicious. It is exposed to you "socialmeter-points" which represent now simply summation of the found results (it is useful for comparison of popularity of a site in social networks).

8. Tweet Volume
One more way of the control over popularity of a site consists mention tracing in Twitter. TweetVolume allows to carry out search of keywords and phrases (for example, the site name, the URL-address, a name of the author) to define frequency of a mention of the phrase necessary to you.
Tweet Volume

9. Quarkbase
Quarkbase represents the complex tool which gives set of the information on a site. Quarkbase “Social popularity” which shows you the information on popularity of a site among social sites, such as Digg, Stumbleupon and Delicious has a bookmark.

10. Profiles Blog Pulse
If you the information on a concrete blog or the blogger, the tool profiles BlogPulse interests represents the web tool which gives the information on a blog rank, on a mention in other blogs, other helpful information, for example, number of the posts published for month, or the list of similar blogs.
Profiles Blog Pulse

11. Control panel Technorati
Technorati is a leading system of search in blogs. Control panel Technorati allows you to see ranging of this or that blog, to define degree popularity among millions similar blogs. In the same place you will find 100 best blogs. Technorati defines a blog rating on number of reactions (URL which specify in a blog).
Control panel Technorati

12. — The simple tool which will tell about total number of visitors coming on a site.

13. Cubestat
Cubestat is one more tool which gives you information on a site of popularity of a site on the basis of daily viewings of pages. Uniqueness Cubestat consists that service displays a site estimation in a money's worth (in US dollars) — the more expensively, the the site is more popular.

14. dnScoop
dnScoop tries to calculate site cost, being based on such factors, as URL, specifying in the domain, popularity of the domain, Page Rank, the traffic etc.

15. Website Outlook
WebsiteOutlook allows to define popularity of a site on the basis of estimated cost, daily viewings of pages and the income.
Website Outlook
And what you use?
How you measure popularity of the site? Can you know tools and services which should be present at this list? Be not too lazy and share with us in comments!

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