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Small Obama will turn out from Djakarta

Statue of the American president

The statue of the 10-year-old American president placed in one of the central parks of Djakarta, will move to less public place because of public protests, informs AFP.

Authoritative Facebook

The city administration of Djakarta has accepted the corresponding decision after 56,500 persons have subscribed in one of communities in social network Facebook under the requirement to replace a figure for a statue to the Indonesian.

The two-metre statue of 10-year-old Barack Obama smiling to the butterfly which has sat down on his hand, has been placed in park Taman Menteng in December, 2009. It was informed, that as the author of idea the noncommercial organisation "Fund of friends Obama" which main office is in Indonesia has acted. On idea of authors of the project, the monument on which pedestal the Future is engraved "belongs to those who trusts owing to the dreams", should become stimulus for Indonesian children to put and achieve the object in a life.

Inconceivable luxury

Meanwhile at the project many critics were primary. They asserted, that expenditure more than $10,000US on a bronze monument in the country where till now there is high a poverty level, is inconceivable luxury.

The authorities of the Indonesian capital have informed, that hope to move a statue before visit of the American leader to Indonesia which is planned on the middle of March, 2010.

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