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Intel has suffered from attack of hackers


In January, 2010 corporate net Intel has undergone to scale hacker attack. The information on it is published in the annual report submitted Intel in SEC, writes CNet News.

The intellectual property has not suffered

Intel has not informed on attack publicly, however the representative of the company has confirmed the information containing in the report. Intel has not informed attack details, having noticed, that the company intellectual property in hands of hackers has not got.

In the report it is noticed, that Intel, as well as other leading computer companies, regularly is exposed to hacker attacks. The purpose of intrusions usually is industrial espionage or aspiration to destabilise work of a corporate network.

Attack, by recognition Intel, was thought over and there was approximately at the same time, as a breaking of corporate net Google. However Intel does not consider, that the given attacks are connected with each other.

Attack on Google

Representatives Google declared earlier, that have undergone to intrusion of hackers along with 20 other large companies. Attack on Google started with China, and hackers searched for the information on post accounts of the Chinese legal experts. Soon after promulgation of the information on breaking of network Google has informed, that will stop to carry out censorship of the Chinese segment of the Internet.

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