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Facebook has bypassed Google on traffic distribution


Social network Facebook has outstripped Google on volumes of the traffic referring to large portals, in particular Yahoo! And MSN. Thus, users began a thicket to click on pages the recommendation of friends, instead of as a result of independent searches. About it it is spoken in corporation Compete research which results quotes The San Francisco Chronicle.

№1. Facebook

15% of visitings of portals are necessary on network Facebook and MySpace. Facebook 13% from these 15 belong, it is the biggest source of the traffic. The second place — auction eBay about 7,61% of the traffic. Google with 7th percent the third place in the list of sources of the traffic has got.

Research was carried out in several categories. In video hosting sphere on the first place on the traffic — Google c 22,9% of visitings of such sites, as YouTube. Facebook on the second place about 12,7%. In the field of film sites Google c 21,3% overtake Facebook, at which only 12,4% of the traffic. Nevertheless, analysts of other company, Gigya, notice, that several months ago have noticed serious growth of the traffic from social networks.

The largest social network in the world

Facebook is the largest social network in the world. The social network unites over 400 million users, and 225 million from them have joined service for last 12 months. Basis Facebook are the news lines, allowing to share with friends links, images and videoclips.

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