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Browser Chrome wins a position

Net Applications

In January, 2010 the share of browser Google Chrome has grown 4,6-5,2%, writes ZDNet referring to research Net Applications. At the same time share Internet Explorer has decreased 62,69-62,18%, and Firefox — 24,61-24,41%.

Firefox loses positions

Shares of other browsers have changed slightly. Thus, on Chrome the users before working with Internet Explorer and Firefox have passed. Thus share Firefox decreases the second month successively.

The most popular browser, under version Net Applications, became Internet Explorer 8.0, for the first time bypassed the sixth version. Their shares in the market make, accordingly, 22,31 and 20,07%. On third place Firefox 3.5 — 17,1% of users.

Windows in leaders!

Also Net Applications has presented the January report on prevalence of operational systems. 92,2% of this market were won by operational systems of family Windows, and last version, Windows 7, for the first time has stepped over a ten-percentage threshold. Further there are OS for computers Apple — 5,13% and systems on the basis of kernel Linux — 1,02%. It is necessary to notice, that share Windows continues to decrease slightly.

The results received Net Applications, are based on tracing of calling on 40,000 sites of 160 million unique users a month. Then these data are corrected on the basis of the size of an Internet audience in each country.

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