Multilingual audience
At the moment users Windows Live Messenger live in 76 countries of the world and communicate in 48 languages. It is thus noticed, that it is a question of the active users who are carrying out authorisation in service at least once a month.Windows Live Messenger use 65% of inhabitants of Brazil possessing an exit in the Internet, in Canada and Spain — this size makes 48%, in France, Italy and the Great Britain — 47, 40 and 39 percent accordingly.
E-mail still in authority
Bringing intermediate results of development of services of an exchange of instant messages, experts Windows Live assert, that those have not led to falling of popularity of letters by e-mail. Such services, as ICQ, AIM and Yahoo! Messenger promoted exchange increase electronic messages more likely.By the moment of occurrence of social networks, number of users e-mail has reached a limit. But growth of popularity of social networks was not carried out at the expense of outflow of users of e-mail and exchange services by instant messages. So, according to the analytical company сomScore, 44% of owners of accounts Facebook are registered on Hotmail or Windows Live Messenger, and 66% of users Windows Live have accounts Facebook.
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VIA «Audience Windows Live Messenger has exceeded 300 million persons»