Porno not for policemen!
It is a question first of all of visiting of pornosites and social networks. Besides, the employees of police using office databases to suit the own ends have got to number of the dismissed.So, the police inspector in Lancashire was reprimanded for access to working hours to resources which can be considered "unworthy, offensive, pornographic or indecent". Other employee has been caught behind viewing "pornographic images by means of the Internet". The third has been punished for loading on a commercial site of a videoclip without the permission of the heads.
No-purpose use of the Internet
The Great Britain — not the unique country disturbed by no-purpose use of the Internet by law enforcement bodies. In the middle of 2008 the central national police administration of Poland has forbidden the employees visiting of social network In the end of the same year Montenegro has forbidden the officials to come on sites of social network Facebook and video hosting YouTube.VIA «The British policemen are punished for visiting of pornosites»