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Google has ceased to publish news Associated Press

Associated Press

News searcher Google News has ceased to publish agency Associated Press materials. On it informs CNN referring to Google.

Latest news Associated Press

Latest news AP placed on a site of the searcher, are dated on December, 23rd, 2009. As have noted in Google, the licence agreement concluded with agency, remains in force. Later materials AP on the searcher can be found nevertheless, however they are placed not on most Google, and on sites of foreign mass-media on which the searcher gives references.

Official explanations that became the reason of a suspension of cooperation, neither in Google, nor in AP have not given. Meanwhile CNN, referring to sources, assumes, that agency news are not published because of disagreements which have arisen between partners during discussion of the new agreement.

Associated Press lifts a lath

According to newspaper The New York Post, AP has demanded from Google to increase payments for the right of a reprint of news. CNN notices, that the basic source of incomes for AP are payments from buyers of a news content, instead of advertising placing. In this connection the big number of transitions to a site of agency which is provided with the searcher, has for AP no serious value.

In October, 2009 AP has declared introduction of new type of agreements which will provide granting to clients of the exclusive information within the limits of a multimedia package. According to NY Post, period of validity of last contract between AP and Google expires in the end of January.

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