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Day of a pornography on YouTube

Porn Day

Users of an anonymous forum 4chan have appointed to January, 6th the mass calculation on YouTube rollers with a pornography, writes TechCrunch.

Thousand pornoimpregnations

As well as all similar operations, this consists in preparation of outwardly decent videoclips containing pornographic inserts. Anonymous authors have agreed to create counterfeit accounting records on YouTube, to load pornorollers, but not to publish them to the appointed term. On idea of organizers, on January, 6th on a video hosting there will be at once thousand videoclips with impregnations of pornoscenes.

Given the protest is the answer to blocking of the accounting record of the eight-year fan of games Nintendo, Lukeywes1234 as which on 4chan already recognised as the king and the god.

Not deserved blocking of the boy

The boy who together with the grandmother removed a miniserial about heroes of games, has informed on January, 2nd, that would like to have by February 50 subscribers. Anonymous authors with 4chan have decided to help Lukeywes1234 to have not 50, and over 9000 subscribers. On achievement of an object in view at anonymous authors, according to Encyclopedia Dramatica, has left about one days. By January, 4th at the boy was already 14 thousand subscribers, and in 12 hours YouTube has frozen Lukeywes1234. In administration have explained the decision to that the child is too small for service use.

The protests which main condition is anonymity, 4chan and users of other similar resources, carry out regularly. For example, in July, 2009 they have made a word gorillapenis the most popular theme in Twitter, and in April have lifted the founder 4chan, the user moot, on top of a rating of magazine Time.

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