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Adobe has confirmed message Google on network attack


On January, 2nd network Adobe has undergone to attack. On it it is informed in a corporate blog of the company. At the moment incident is investigated by experts Adobe.

Gmail the Chinese legal experts

The message on an attack on network Adobe has followed in some hours after the message in official blog Google about the Chinese attack. According to corporation, to attack has undergone not only Google, but also at least other 20 large companies (on other sources — more than 30). As the Overall objective of these attacks Google considers access reception to accounting records Gmail of leading Chinese legal experts. Experts of corporation also underline, that malefactors have not reached the purpose.

According to experts of division on network safety iDefense companies VeriSign, for attack hackers used vulnerability in Adobe Reader. About hole existence in the popular program for reading of documents in format PDF Adobe warned still on December, 15th. During same time there was an attack on which corporation Google today has informed.

PDF vulnerability

The dangerous code thanks to which the malefactor could receive the control over the computer of a victim, extended by means of the electronic letter with a PDF-file. Vulnerability was present at all versions Adobe Reader and Acrobat up to 9.2.

Despite lacking direct charges to Beijing in message Google, scandal already left on the international level. Under last message AFP, US State Secretary Hillari Clinton has demanded from the Chinese authorities of explanations.

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